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CRNAs: Delivering Quality Anesthesia to Floridians

Let’s Increase Access to Care in Our State!

Florida CRNAs – What you Need to Know

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What is a CRNA

Stop the Loss: Keep Our Workforce in Florida

CRNA Information Fliers

Map: 43 States Without CRNA Supervision Requirements

Cost Effective Models

Anesthesia – Changing Landscape

CRNA-MDA Education

CRNAs- Opioid Solution – ERAS

Cost Effective Anesthesia

Surgeon Liability

Quality of Care Facts

AANA Study on Removing Barriers

What Does Supervision Repeal Mean for Hospitals

Task Force

Critical Care Settings

CRNAs in the Rural Setting and COVID

Summary of Studies

Anesthesia modeling

Efficiency Driven Anesthesia Model: Consultative/Collaborative Model
Efficiency Driven Anesthesia Model: Anesthesia Models Explained

Scope of Nurse Anesthesia Practice

Anesthesia Billing Basics