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CRNAs: Delivering Quality Anesthesia to South Carolinians

Let’s Increase Access to Care in Our State!

South Carolina CRNAs – What you Need to Know

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CRNA Informational Fliers

Meet Your CRNA Infographic

Right Policy Right Time

CRNAs- Opioid Solution – ERAS

Myths vs Facts

CRNA Fact Sheet

Anesthesia – Changing Landscape

Cost Effective Models

Value of CRNAs

CRNA-MDA Education

Get the Facts- Access to Care

SC Institute of Medicine & Public Health – Policy Brief on CRNAs

Surgeon Liability

Quality of Care Facts

Summary of Studies

CRNAs – Safe and Cost-Effective

AANA Study on Removing Barriers

What Does Supervision Repeal Mean for Hospitals

Critical Care Settings

Efficiency Driven Anesthesia Model: Anesthesia modeling

Efficiency Driven Anesthesia Model: Consultative/Collaborative Model

Scope of Nurse Anesthesia Practice

Anesthesia Billing Basics

Anesthesia Models Explained